This study offers a critical review of impact of effective administration on SDG. It examines the relationship between effective administration and SDG, particularly by emphasizing on the principles of effective administration and their impact on SDG. By doing so, principles like participation, transparency, accountability and rule of law and their relation to and significance on SDG is deeply analyzed and interpreted. The study disclosed that where and when these principles are practiced well, accepted and legitimized by the local community, then SDG activities are to be vibrant. On the other hand, where and when these principles are not applied properly the reverse is true. This has been clearly identified in this study. The study has shown that there is a direct relationship between effective administration and sustainable development goals. It has come up with the conclusion that when and where principles of effective administration are at work or applied; the sustainable development goals activities are vibrant and acceptable by the local community. This in turn indicates SDG is unthinkable without ensuring local effective administration.

Given these scenario, the study argues for an urgent need for a reversal of the trend to see a fast and sustainable development goals in Uyo Metropolis.

1.1 Background Information
Nigerian government administration has witnessed tremendous transformation since the introductions of the 1988 civil service reforms and its application at the local government administration one of the changes introduced to strengthen the local government is the direct payment of their statutory allocations which was increased from 15% to 20%. In addition local government auditor was established in each state government to ensure proper utilization of financial resources at the local level to check any misappropriation of public funds. Also all local government now has a common structure which distinguish them from service department.

Local government at any level has some stand and roles such as the maintenance of law and order, the promotion of economic and social development. They are left with considerable freedom to act as they see fit for the interest of the local community.

From the point of view the government as agents of development are will place to help the rural areas to develop. These can be done by investing in social and economic infrastructure such as roads, bridges, hospitals, schools, electrification and telecommunication. The other essential duties inherited from the Native Authorities include rural and the urban water supplies markets and libraries. We generally regard the convenience list as including those extra amenities which make for a better life in the community, other than those life in the community, other than those which are concerned with fighting discuss e.g. bus and lorry parks. The regulation of handcarts on the streets, community and recreation centers, parks and open spaces, grazing areas and fuel plantations, the naming of streets and the numbering of buildings. These are recognized as automatically the responsibility of the local government. They also help in the service of park control and supply of water, electricity and gas, the provision of road and water transport, and any other trading undertaking that the state government specifically authorizes.

The local government also take care for a specifically health orientation and supplying of drugs, a midwifery service, to arrange for health visiting and home nursing to provide facilities for vaccination and immunization.

1.2 Statement of the Problem
It is experienced that absence, inefficient and/or ineffective functioning of governance has multiple negative consequences on sustainable development goals. Particularly, lack of good administrative governance affects the services delivered to the local community and any other people who seek public services.

This indicates problems arise from the deficiencies of effective administration is not self confined since there are other consequent social, political and economic problems.

Uyo City is located at the center of Akwa Ibom state. Its administrative structure is organized within a framework of decentralization where power and responsibilities are distributed among different administrative offices.

However, the sustainable development goals is not satisfactory. In spite of different government structure/offices, there are considerable inefficiencies in sustainable development goals. Nevertheless, no comprehensive study has been conducted concerning the relationships between effective administration and sustainable development goals in the Metropolis. This indicates there is a knowledge gap.

Therefore, this research is conducted to fill this knowledge gap by investigating the impact of effective administration in facilitating sustainable development goals within the City.

1.3 Objectives of the Study
The general objective of the study is to address the relationships between effective administration and sustainable development goals.

The specific objectives are:
• To assessing the impact of effective administration in facilitating sustainable development goals.

• To identify, describe and analyze missed principles of effective administration which negatively affect sustainable development goals.

• To forward policy and strategy recommendations to develop effective administration in view of facilitating sustainable development goals.

1.4 Research Questions
To address the stated objectives, the following research questions are designed.

• What are the relationships between effective administration and sustainable development goals?

• Which principles of effective administration are missing and hence affect the sustainable development goals?

1.5 Impact of the Study
The study on impact of effective administration on sustainable development goals is important for policy makers, administrators, researchers and for practitioners for several reasons. Understanding the relationships between effective administration and sustainable development goals will help the local administrators to formulate and implement strategies based on the principles of effective administration that will integrate all development actors to bring accelerated and sustainable development goals.

1.6 Scope of the Study
The scope of the study is limited in time period, spatial coverage and issues to be considered. It is limited to the assessment, description and analysis of the impact of effective administration in facilitating sustainable development goals within the study area. It also deals with the situation since 1990s.

1.8 Organization of the Paper
The paper has five chapters. The first chapter is an overall introduction including, among others, statement of the problem, objectives, research questions and description of the study area. Chapter two is concerned with theoretical and empirical literature related to effective administration, sustainable development goals and the relationship between effective administration and sustainable development goals. Chapter three is research methodology. Chapter four is about analysis and interpretation of data on the impact of effective administration on sustainable development goals in Uyo Metropolis. Chapter five provides conclusion and recommendation. Finally, the paper ends up with bibliography.

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Size: 45 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word   Delivery: Within 30Mins.


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